
Sunday, September 9, 2018

Harley Davidson Stock

Consumer confidence was at its peak around the year 2000. January of 2000 is actually the highest consumer confidence has been since the 1950s, when data on consumer confidence started to be collected. Then something happened, and consumer confidence took a fucking nose dive up until around 2009, when we finally started to see an upward trend. That trend has managed to continue at approximately the same rate since Trump took office. So Trump has bungled his way into not damaging the trend consumer confidence was already following, but hasn't done much of anything to positively influence the rate of increase. Also, "the highest it's been in decades" is only true if by "decades" you mean "almost two decades".

The rate at which Black unemployment has been dropping since 2009 has slowed under Trump. The same appears to be true of Hispanic unemployment. It's highly probable that neither of these are his fault.

The ratio of jobs available to number of unemployed people has been dropping pretty precipitously since, once again, 2009. The rate at which the ratio was dropping had already started to slow by around 2014, but it's not dropping any faster under Trump.

So, the trends that we've noticed for all of these things actually started in 2009, so I guess what you should be saying is, "Thanks, Obama."

Trump bankrupted his casino because he leveraged the entire thing to where it was impossible for it to make money and survive. His high percent loans were because he left many banks holding the bag, so they would only lend him money if they got a high percentage.

It was still going under, because Trump didn't realize that surrounding states were allowing gambling. You would think a guy with the business acumen that Trump claims would make sure to know what was happening.

So, Trump had to ask daddy to come in and try and save his business. Daddy Trump went in, bought a million dollars in chips, and left (Which was a business loan, and was an illegal way to do it).

Even then, it failed, horribly.

The wealthy (households making 150,000+ a year and not living in crazy expensive cities) donate more of their wealth (percentage) than any other financial demographic. They get called selfish because the media tells you they are. Also, getting to that level of income requires hard work and skill. Which many of them, including myself, give freely to others.

I've built houses for the poor, I've donated more money than you'll make in 10 years probably, and I ran a career development center helping people get certified in many fields.

What's something you've done? Oh, that's right, complain on the internet about how you want more from people and how others aren't good just because.

I even gave a good tip here in this thread to god knows how many strangers.

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